Writing Ideas

A Time When You've Had A Long Cherished Or Accepted Belief Challenged?

The coalition application process has recently been introduced for students applying for college. Many Ivy League school and other prestigious institutions have come on board to boost the credibility of the coalition application process. A peculiar part of the coalition application process is the fact that it introduces new essay prompts that students will not have seen before.

In the old application, called the Common App, the essay prompts were used every year, and students had extensive resources on how to answer these prompts. However, with the coalition application, students have scarce resources on how to answer such questions, whereas before they could have drawn upon the experiences of other students who have gone through the process.

These essay prompts are designed to see whether or not an applicant has the necessary characteristics to succeed in college. To see whether or not an applicant possess certain qualities, students are required to write about a time from their past that adequately displays these personality characteristics.

One of the essay prompts is to describe a time where you have had a long cherished or accepted belief challenged. The reason why this is such an important question is due to the fact that in college, you will have many long held beliefs challenged by your professors and classmates. Thus, it is essential to see how you will react when faced with such a situation.

Long Held Beliefs

The positive of choosing to do such an essay prompt is that it requires you to analyze yourself and to deal with introspection. This means that your essay should be very personal and sincere, which is a problem many students face when tackling the other essay prompts.

You ability for self examination of your beliefs, whether they have been passed down by your family, or through your self interests, can show a great level of maturity that is required for success during college.

There are many types of examples that you can use for this essay prompt, it does not have to particularly be a very important belief of yours that was challenged. For example, you could talk about how your taste in food was challenged when you went abroad and tastes the cuisine of another country.

You can also discuss something that you have taken at face value because it is simple accepted in society, and how you reacted to such a belief when someone else challenged it.

It is a good idea to stay away from controversial topics such as politics, which could portray you in a negative light when your application is being assessed. Remember that you are not asked to just list times when your belief were challenged, but to also write about how you reacted to such a challenge and how they changed your beliefs.

The major positive about choosing this essay prompt is the fact that you are able to immediately talk about something deeply person to yourself, which is what these essay prompts are used to get students to do.

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